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Product verification and Accredited tests for qualification

Accredited tests

Performance tests: Thermal performance, Wind load, Air-tightness, Water-tightness. We took and passed the test whenever the prototype of components had changed.

Condensation performance test is proceeding. By measuring the inside and outside of the surface temperature in certain conditions, we could predict whether condensation due to the thermal bridge appears, based on KS F 2295.

The result of accelerated weathering test. The lower sample is yellowish after 5 test cycles of cold - hot temperature, which means the polycarbonate has been oxidated. 5 cycles acceleration indicates 10 years approximately.

U-value(thermal transmittance ) of UBLO window

+ double insulated glass unit
Uwindow = 1.516 W/m2K

UBLO with aerogel insulation
+ double insulated glass unit
Uwindow= 1.479 W/m2K

UBLO with aerogel insulation
+ tripple insulated glass unit
Uwindow= 0.775 W/m2K

Tendency of its thermal performance. Calculating U-vaules of the different prototypes to achive Korea architecture code requirement. These therm results above according to the different Ublo series were conducted by Sowon Choi a colleague at UBLO