
Recent Projects

Professional Experience

Associate Architect, AWA Architects (2021-2022)

Registered Architect, Korea Institute of Registered Architect (KIRA) (2019)

Project Manager at Ublo | Façade Designer, VS-A Korea (2018 - 2021)
: mold design, performance test, glass structure calculation, patent.
: website design, production management, façade design and consulting.
: Smart Ublo; Ventilation Sensor Phase 1

Junior Architect, Designcamp Moonpark dmp (2015 - 2018)
, shape optimization & rationalization, concept design, schematic design, design development, construction document

Junior Architect, The System Lab (2014)
mainly with T-splines of Rhino plug-in, 3D printing with post-processing.

Building Engineer Qualification, Human Resources Development Service of Korea(2013)

Intern, Il Hoon Roh Studio (2014)

Awards and Scholarships

Outstanding Performance Commendation, Carnegie Mellon University (Spring 2024)

SoA Merit Scholarship, Carnegie Mellon University (2023 - 2025)

Grand Prize, “Urban Jungle Gym”, Posco Steel Design Festa, POSCO (2013)
, in collaboration with two members, a steel design competition
Role: Leader, speaker team arrangement, design development, coordination.

First Place, “A Way to Han River “, B.Arch Graduation Thesis, Yonsei University (2013)
, Solo work

Honorable Mention, “Overhead Tensegrity”, Korean Structural Engineers Competition (2012)
, in collaboration with two members, a competition of structure design
Role: Design development, production.

Full Scholarship, National Engineering Scholarship, Korea Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF) (2008-2013)

Full Scholarship, Yonsei Eagle Scholarship, Yonsei University (2008)

Lectures and Conference Presentations

Guest Instructor, “Kinetic Architecture”, Soongsil University, Korea (Nov. 2021)

Guest Instructor, “Introduction to Architecture Design Practice”, Soongsil University, Korea (April 2021)

Webinar Speaker, “Personalized Ventilation Windows R&D”, Zak World of Façades, Virtual Conference (Aug 2020)
On behalf of VS-A Korea, Delievering a presentation of
, the customized design window Ublo and Ufo, named after Uf=0, meaning u-value for frame is Zero.

Conference Exhibitor, “Ublo and UF0, two innovative façade components” , Glass Performance Days(GPD), Tampere, Finland (June 2019)
Introduced the system to visitors, built networks for future partnerships in related industries, and sought opportunities with distributors abroad.


Sohyun Jin. “The Works of Rookies.” A&C Architecture Magazine vol.391, Dec. 2013, pp.191.
of 2014

Sohyun Jin. “2013 Posco Steel Design Festa.” C3 KOREA vol.349 supplement, Sep. 2013, pp.16-17.
of the Posco steel design competition

Courses and Workshops

Workshop: Digital Form Finding, “Virtual Actuality” (2012)
workshop via Processing
Yonsei University

Design Studio: “Incremental Bridges” (2011)
in Batam, Indonesia


Exhibition, “Urban Jungle Gym”, as a competition winner, Posco Center Building and Posco A&C Building, Seoul (2013)

Exhibition, “Folding chair”, Mirae Asset Center1, Seoul (2013)

Shape of Time

Visual Time Meter without Numbers

Fall 2023

@Fundamentals of Programming, 15-112

Implementation tool: Python3

Solo work

I like estimating time, gauging it by my instincts rather than relying on clocks. When I measure time without such aids, I feel a closer connection to the passing moments. I also believe that there are distinct perceptions of duration such as 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and so on.
My project involves designing a clock that deviates from the traditional clock shape. Each individual utilizes unique time units according to their preference. One might want to reset their time unit every 15 minutes, while another might prefer 120 minutes as their time unit despite the conventional 60-minute, 24-hour system imposed by our clocks. For an adept time manager, this application could serve as a useful tool to optimize the division unit everyday.
Overall, I would like to make a visualization of time as an incremental geometrical shape increasing per second, tracing its outline. The shape will reset once it is filled up. The application will offer three modes each with derivation.
(1) Default time measurement. Users input a unit of minutes, and select from a range of embedded visualizations.
(2) Custom design: Users enter a unit of minutes and draw a simple geometry; the shape gradually fills in with seconds like a sandglass. Multiple shapes with different time units can be accomodated.
(3) Guided custom design: Users create a pathway through which time fills the shape, like a flow through pipes.